
Hi, I’m Monckat!

I make all kinds of art. Lots of fantastical landscapes, but also animations, 3D stuff, and a little bit of music. Come have a look!


Programs I’m knowledgeable in: Adobe Photoshop, OpenToonz, After Effects, Toon Boom Harmony, Maya, Blender, and LMMS.


3 minute animation for The Tapestry. Mixes 2D animation + physical drawings with rotoscoped 3D animation. Made in After Effects.
4 minute animation for The Tapestry. Mixes 2D animation with 3D models. Made in OpenToonz.
2 minute animation for The Tapestry. Uses a mixture of 2D animation and photo-manipulation. Made in Toon Boom Harmony.
Compilation of scenes made in Spore’s Adventure Editor. Made between 2009 and 2017.
2 minute animation for The Tapestry. Mixture of physical drawings, photo-manipulation, and digital effects. Made in After Effects.
1 minute animation for The Tapestry, with a time-lapse effect. Made in OpenToonz.
3 minute animation for The Tapestry. Mixes 2D animation, 3D animation, and photo-manipulation. Made in Toon Boom Harmony.
2.5 minute animation for The Tapestry. Made in Storyboard Pro.